After the lockdowns for the past few years, we finally took the plunge and decided to book a family holiday. We weren’t sure what to expect and how to navigate travel with two little ones. All our travel prior to 2022, was just the two of us. What I realized is that it isn’t as hard as I thought it would be. These are the 5 Baby Travelling Must Haves that I would recommend taking with you.

Travel with Baby Must Haves – PART 1
- Slumber Pod – we received ours as a gift in 2020 and didn’t use it until September of 2022 and I’m so glad we had it. We set it up in the living room of our hotel suite and it was perfect. It’s compact, fits into the suitcase and took us 10 minutes or less to set up.
- Pack and Play w/mattress – although the hotel offered pack and plays, we chose to take our Nuna Sena with us as we were more comfortable with our own. We also purchased the Bilboan Trifold mattress for extra comfort and it worked out well.
- Sound machine – we took the portable Hushh Sound Machine that was gifted to us and it fit perfectly into the Slumber Pod.
- Sterilizer bags for bottles – I found these Dr Brown’s Natural Flow® Microwave Steam Sterilizer Bags at my local buybuyBaby and they worked like a charm. Just follow the steps and I was sterilizing bottles after every use in the microwave.
- Stroller – we opted not to take a travel stroller but our full size Cybex Gazelle S with us. It came in super handy at the airport as we had to switch planes. With the almost full recline, our baby could sleep while we could enjoy dinner and evening walks on our holiday.

So those are a few of my Baby Travelling Must Haves Part 1! Happy to answer any questions in the comments about any of the products.